Two days' worth of the most powerful, profitable direct marketing principles, strategies, and immediately useful tactics — this will change your business and your life...
Get the recordings NOW from what Dan Kennedy called "THE Event of the Decade"...
The Titans of Direct Response
This Is Your Chance To Be A "Fly on the Wall" For This Historic Event - Today's greatest direct marketing entrepreneurs and copywriting legends came together for the FIRST and LAST time to reveal their most powerful business-building secrets...
Now you can enjoy every presentation from the comfort of your home or office - with original bonus materials totalingover 1,000 printed pages PLUS more than 8 hours of audio content, all pure direct marketing gold!

Get today's most powerful thinking from these Titans of Direct Response... Who came together for the first — and likely last — time under one roof... To share their go-to strategies for building a financially- and personally-rewarding, multi-million dollar direct response business TODAY...

Dan Kennedy
Famous for his NO B.S. books and newsletters influencing one million business owners every year. Legendary direct marketing strategist and one of the highest paid copywriters, with fees upwards from $75,000 plus royalties.

Gary Bencivenga
Hailed as "America's Best Copywriter." Only spoke publicly one time, at his own retirement seminar. Vowed never to speak again. The Titans of Direct Response is his first and only exception...

Greg Renker
Guthy|Renker co-founder. Once a DRTV pioneer, now a world-leading direct response titan, known for brands like Proactiv, Principal Secret, and Tony Robbins' Personal Power.

Jay Abraham
He's created $9.4 billion in bottom line growth for clients and has 15,000 success stories across 465 different industries. One of America's foremost business thinkers.

Ken McCarthy
The bridge between "old school" direct response and "new school" online marketing. For over 20 years, his trainings like the System Seminar have been THE top place to go to get an Internet marketing education.

Perry Marshall
The engineer-turned-marketer who "cracked the code" on Google AdWords and Facebook advertising, Perry is also the new go-to guy on applying the 80/20 Rule in sales and marketing.

Joe Sugarman
The man who sold over 20 million BluBlockers Sunglasses by mail order and that just scratches the surface. Pioneer in every selling media for over four decades.

Fred Catona
Direct response radio titan who helped grow Priceline.com to $20 billion valuation in 18 months. Also behind radio success of Disney Online and Free Credit Report.com, among others.
Today's "Mount Rushmore of Titan Copywriters"... "A-List" writers responsible for more than 628 million pieces of profitable direct mail since 1995.

Eric Betuel

David L. Deutsch

Arthur Johnson

Parris Lampropoulos
AND... My own personal mastermind group who I turn to whenever I need help making my most important marketing and business decisions... Each a direct response Titan of their field...

Michael Fishman

Jim Kwik

Ryan Lee
For two days in September — in Stamford, Connecticut — these Titans came together and revealed...
The Most Powerful Direct Response Principles, Strategies,
And Up-To-The-Minute Tactics YOU Can Use Immediately
To Sell More, Profit More, and
Build a Titan-Level Direct Response Business...
(These Lessons Apply in Any Media, in Any Market...)
From the desk of Brian Kurtz
Dear Business Builder,
In my 34 years in direct response — as an avid learner and seminar-goer — I've never before seen a lineup like you see above. And I don't really expect to see another like it again.
But it's not so much the WHO that matters. Rather, it's WHAT was covered that could completely transform your career, your business, your life...
For any serious, sophisticated direct marketer or business owner, you know as much as I do: we live and die by results.

If You Want To Succeed In Direct Marketing,
You Have To Do More of What Works,
And Less Of What Doesn't...
It's simple enough, but it's profound... Sure, we can test. And any direct response marketer worth their salt is an avid tester. No matter what business we're in, or what media we use.
But entire tests can be won by knowing in advance, "Do this, not that."
In fact, it's not a stretch to say...
Each of These Titans of Direct Response
Has Made Their Career AND Personal Fortune
By Creating Winning Campaigns...
And it's not really an accident...
As a matter of habit, these Titans have all become avid lifetime students of the world's best direct marketing. Always looking at the best-of-the-best and thinking...
"What has this incredible marketer done that I could use in my next campaign?"
"What haven't they done that I could use to do even better?"
Through the years, this study has led to each and every one of these Titans having such a storehouse incredible marketing wisdom that they could go into almost any business, in any industry, and immediately create profitable marketing campaigns that would boost profits by substantial volumes.
And consistently, each of these Titans will tell you something else...
They're Not Self-Made...
They ALL Stand on the Shoulders of Giants!
Every Titan — from Dan Kennedy to Gary Bencivenga to Greg Renker to Jay Abraham, and all the others (me too!)— learned from others.
They each discovered tremendous amounts of "do this, not that" wisdom by sitting at the feet of their own teachers, soaking up every bit of marketing wisdom that was offered.
And while each would go on to apply it in their own unique way, it was only because they were building on what came before that they were able to ascend to such great heights...
Today, A NEW Generation of Titans
Is Being Born...
I was blown away at The Titans of Direct Response event...
Before the event, I'd been accused of simply stoking the embers of an "old boys club." Some suggested Titans was the last hurrah of an aging generation of direct mail experts. (Never mind the fact that the Titans collectively are responsible — TODAY — for well over $1 billion per year in revenue in nearly every media you can imagine.)
It was clear from who was in attendance that this was anything but. YES, there were many of my old "direct mail" friends — including many who are running online operations in the tens of millions of dollars, some $100 million or more.
But there was also many younger marketers, recognizing that the timeless principles and strategies of world-class direct response marketing can be adapted to apply to ANY media.
The youngest marketer in attendance, less than 20 years old. Many, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.A good balance of women and men. Countries represented from every corner of the globe.
All, coming together, in one room...
Recognizing that by learning from the Titans of today, discovering the "do this, not that" truths of direct marketing...
You, Too, Can Become a Titan —
And Enjoy the Success and Fortune
That Comes With It...
It was only under a very special set of circumstances that I was able to bring these Titans together for the first and last time, at a single event...
And it's unlikely to happen again — at least until the NEXT generation of direct response Titans...
But even if you weren't in attendance, you haven't missed out completely...
Because the Titan-level direct response marketing and business-building wisdom that was shared was recorded, edited, and packaged together in an exclusive 12-DVD set.
I challenged them to bring their best-of-the-best— befitting this once-in-a-lifetime event...Much of what was shared from the stage at The Titans of Direct Response had never been revealed before... And hasn't been revealed since!
And now YOU are going to have the opportunity to enjoy, take in, and profit from each of the Titans' presentations — from the comfort of your home or office...
Now YOU Can Stand
On The Shoulders of These Giants...
Taking full advantage of all the "do this, not that" direct response strategies, principles, and tactics they shared...
And yet... I won't even ask you to wait for the DVDs to start profiting from the most powerful lessons shared on stage at The Titans of Direct Response.
Just by reading this letter, you'll discover...
And more, all revealed below...
Read On, And You'll Get These
Direct Marketing Secrets to
Creating Bigger Winners, More Often...
Of course, those of you who are serious students of the craft may recognize this lesson. If you'll allow me to be a little transparent here...
I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here, because I'm not ready to introduce Gary's presentation yet. And I certainly don't claim to write copy like Gary — he's one of a kind!
But I'm going to do my best to be a good student of Gary, and share at least one big takeaway from each Titan here in my letter about the DVDs.
And I'll start with my kick-off presentation setting the stage for "The Event of The Decade," with a lesson on..
How to Achieve Titan-Level Success!
I've spent 34 years in this business, helping build one of the world's top direct response publishers to $150 million in annual revenue.
I've seen too many marketers come and go — careers, profits, and businesses flare up and fizzle out (sometimes ending in deep financial despair).
And I've seen a few who've endured as long as my career. Folks who used direct marketing to not only build their personal fortunes, but do amazing things. Connect with, meet, and work alongside some of the world's most brilliant and influential people. To invent and create a life of abundance for themselves far beyond most folks' wildest hopes and dreams.
Personally, I've dined with world leaders, industry transformers, Nobel Prize winners, and yes, the greats of direct response marketing. I hesitate to list them because I will just as surely offend those omitted as honor those I include.
I've become a leader in our field. And connected with many of the greats — not just as colleagues, but as personal friends.
And when I decided I wanted to do the impossible — bring all these greats together under one roof, one time only, to share their secrets...
I managed to get all these Titans to say yes!
(Including folks who have turned down "blank check" speaking offers.)
This wasn't an accident.
Has it ever come back to bite me? Sure. But by giving 100% and expecting nothing in return, I've been able to get pretty much everything I ever wanted from life, and a whole lot more.
This isn't just "self-help" — it's a marketing principle to apply in offers, a business principle for negotiations, a life principle to be used every day.
Throughout my opening address at Titans, I shared real-life stories of how to apply this lesson in your life and business.)
But that's just the beginning, because in my presentation you'll also discover...
And yet, of course this was just the first presentation of a two-day conference...
Up next...
Dan Kennedy Reveals
The (Secret) SUPER-Psychology
Of Direct Response...

Dan's spoken to marketers of every level of sophistication. From folks who've never heard the term "direct response" all the way up to, well, the Titans audience.
Dan himself was blown away by the high-level, sophisticated direct response marketers who came together for this event. And he knew he had to deliver some of the most advanced concepts and hidden secrets that have gone into his most successful ($50-million-plus) copy and marketing campaigns...
It will all start with an exclusive SAMPLE BOOK of Dan's work, created only for this presentation, and this audience. This has only ever been shared with Titans attendees — but I've also arranged for YOU to get a copy with the DVDs. This book includes ads, sales letters, VSL scripts, and more — each worth between $1 million and $50 million to the clients...
This sample book is a companion toDan's first-ever (and likely last) presentation on what he calls The (Secret) SUPER-Psychology of Direct Response.
With over 40 years in the business himself, Dan's been around this racetrack a few times. And yet, he's still innovating and coming up with new insights and new perspectives on how to create bigger, more profitable promotions each time out of the gates.
In Dan's Words...
Here's What He Put Together For
This EXCLUSIVE Presentation:
- 7 insights into the imbedded commands and behavioral triggers that the most powerful direct-response advertising, copy themes and offers connect to, at a primal level — that I take care to place in every pitch or presentation I craft. These are my 'guiding lights' somewhat akin to Ogilvy's lanterns.
- Even top pros in direct-response at least overlook or neglect using this Super-Psychology in whole or part... Many may not even be fully aware of it and how it works.
- I would challenge even the most experienced, most successful, wealthiest marketer, marketing company CEO, or top tier copywriter in attendance to honestly say he exits this discussion without a new, sharper, clearer, deeper viewpoint on creating maximum response to apply in practical ways to existent and future advertising. (For example: "unbeatable," existent controls can be challenged with one or more of these seven Super-Psychology concepts.)
- I have never before crystallized, condensed, and shared this with any but a handful of top, private clients or peers. It does not exist in recorded or published form."
My Biggest Takeaway from Dan:
Instantly Increase the Selling Power of Your Copy
With "Dark Arts" Persuasion...
One of the most fundamental premises of Dan's presentation was on a clear distinction between weak copy and copy that can generate millions of dollars in sales.
In short, beginning copywriters — and copywriters who never progress — get stuck in "by the rules" copy that superficially follows all the recommendations from folks like Caples, Schwab, and others.
And yet this "beginner" approach can completely miss the mark if it doesn't touch on the dark, suppressed, often hidden emotional factors that make people buy (or not).
For example, one of Dan's favorite ways to increase sales is to tap into our almost universal desire to escape, to find greener pastures, to be somewhere or someone else.
He explained how in selling to business owners, he sells business reinvention over improvement. While ultimately he may deliver a way for the business owner to increase profits, they're far less interested in that than, for example, having a business that runs itself and allows them to take vacations without checking in nine times a day on what's going on back in the shop.
And escape was just one of the 7 "Dark Arts" desires Dan covered. His presentation was packed full of these examples — referencingspecific "swipe file" copy examples in the sample book you'll get with the DVDs.
I've taken a ton of notes on some of the other items Dan covered, and as you watch the DVDs you'll want to be on the lookout for these...
After Dan, the one panel I wanted to make sure was featured at Titans — a group very important to me personally...
"Mount Rushmore of Titan Copywriters"
Reveals the Proven Secrets to Creating
$1 Billion in Sales with Direct Mail!
Together, these writers have been responsible for a conservatively-estimated 628 million "control" pieces of profitable direct mail since 1995 (and more before that!)... These are the top current copywriters I've worked directly with, and among the very best A-list copywriters living today.

Eric Betuel

David L. Deutsch

Arthur Johnson

Parris Lampropoulos
On the DVDs, you'll get to sit down with us as I grill these writers on how A-list copywriters think and work and beat each other's controls (and what you need to do if you want to knock them off the "control" throne). You'll discover their secrets to "sales multiplied" ad copy that mails profitably to millions, even tens of millions of households...
Every time I sit down and talk with one of these writers, or watch them break down something they've written, or critique someone else's work, I get a deeper understanding into what makes buyers tick...
And how to generate maximum response with your sales copy!
And so I pulled that out through dialog with them, there on stage at Titans. We dissected their thinking. Showing YOU how to immediately apply it to revamp and re-energize your current promotions, plus amplify the selling power of everything you write in the future.
(Or use it to simply recognize good copy from the writers you hire, and provide feedback that will make it great! There was much talk not only about how to BE a great copywriter, but also how to HIRE and work with great copywriters.)
Well, this will be especially valuable for you. I have a saying that "$1 per thousand marketing deserves $500 per thousand thinking." (And another that "single-channel marketing is so boring" — but I'll hold off on that for later!)
If you're spending something like $1 per 1000 names on your email list to get your message delivered, it doesn't mean you should accept just any weak pitch that you can cobble together. Even if you can eke out a profit at marginal response rates, you're eroding trust and decreasing the value and future responsiveness of your list.
When you apply the proven selling principles used by the A-list, best writers of $500+ per thousand direct mail, you'll immediately increase your sales and profits. Your customers will love you more, and stick with you longer. You'll be able to profitably acquire leads and reach new markets that your lazier (or less astute) competitors won't. And you'll be able to build your business into a Titan of your industry.
And it will all start by listening to our "Mount Rushmore."
HUGE Takeaway from This "Mount Rushmore"
Group of A-List Copywriters...
These copywriters are research fiends. They know that ONE good piece of research they can share with a reader can be the difference between getting twice the response of the current control, or half it.
And so frequently, in the course of research, they'd find something that wasn't in the editorial. Maybe it'd been cut in their client's editing process. Maybe it was something the editors just hadn't found yet. The critical point is that they found it OUTSIDE the product itself.
And so — through product edits, bonus reports, or some other delivery mechanism — the editors and copywriters would find a way to deliver this delicious, juicy, response-getting tidbit...
By knowing what people will respond to — and finding a way to get it included in the offer — these copywriters give themselves a HUGE advantage over the copywriters that won't take these drastic measures.
Parris Lampropoulos refers to this as, "Don't leave your best material on the cutting room floor." He's well known for getting controls around this concept.
Gene Schwartz was ALSO known for this — in fact, he'd write an ad first, based on all the juiciest material he could dig up, then put together the editorial to suit. (The similarity is NOT an accident.)
This is just one of the incredible lessons you'll pick up from listening to the "Mount Rushmore" panel. Others include...
And Then...
A Moment the Direct Response World
Thought Would Never Happen...
Gary Bencivenga Speaks... Again!
Just in case you're one of the tiny fraction of the direct response world who doesn't recognize what a momentous occasion this is, here's a quick background.

Nearly every A-list direct response copywriter today tells their own version of this story: Once they hit the big leagues in this business, they recognized one copywriter whose copy was head and shoulders above the rest: Gary Bencivenga. When they opened the mailbox, they'd go twitterpated if there was a new piece of Gary's copy in there. And they'd spend the next month dissecting every line, every word, to TRY to capture his brilliance.
As A-list copywriter Doug D'Anna has put it...
"If a copywriter beats the control one out of four times, you've got a really good copywriter. If he beats it two out of four times, you've got a great copywriter. If he beats it seven out of eight times, you've got Gary Bencivenga."
I was fortunate to work directly with Gary on many of his most famous, successful promotions. Once he got the control for my company's flagship product, he didn't give it up until retirement.
Gary was, in fact, on my ORIGINAL "Mount Rushmore of Copywriters." He, Jim Rutz, Mel Martin, and Gene Schwartz would have rounded out the panel of writers who built our publishing company from zero to over $100 million. Today's "Mount Rushmore" all speak of Gary with extreme reverence.
In fact, I was starting to put together the event that would become Titans. I was trying to decide what to do for this year's event. And when I proposed a workshop featuring him, he politely declined.
But then word spread among his friends — the other A-list copywriters who spoke at Titans — what a big deal this event was becoming.
And so—at the 11th hour—Gary approached me and said, "I wouldn't do this for anyone else, but you can count me in."
I count Gary as a close friend and confidant. He worked closely with both me and my personal business mentor, as we built our company. (They were two peas in a pod — with a shared marketing tenacity that made them, and our business, totally unstoppable.)
And it was because of that close personal relationship and long-time partnership in business, that Gary made his FIRST and probably FINAL exception to his "vow of silence" for this event...
Gary was a silent assassin on any control. He loved the financial rewards, of course. (The royalties from just ONE mailing — that mailed over 100-million pieces — bought his oceanfront home in the Hamptons.)
However, it was winning that mattered most to him. He spent his entire career with this one question in his mind: "What is the secret to winning consistently against the best copywriters in the business?" And because of the system he developed — The Bencivenga Persuasion Equation ® — he reached a point where he'd win 85% of the time, almost no matter whose copy he was competing with.
Gary Would Even Go So Far as to
Beat The Pants Off His Own Controls!
In the mid-1990s, Gary had the latest control for our flagship newsletter. It was a gimmicky survey piece bringing in an off-the-charts response on a "bill-me" offer. But the pay-up was low, so he wanted to do better.
Gary took a complete 180-degree turn, and tested brand new copy, in a brand new format. A "bookalog" called "The Little Black Book of Secrets." (You will also get a copy of this — see below.)
He did it again!
Before we could bring in another A-list copywriter to beat Gary, he'd beaten himself. It got to the point that many times out, we'd just hire Gary again to beat his own control — it was our best bet for finding an even bigger winner.
As you can imagine, getting inside Gary's mind is a rare treat. That's why we're so fortunate that...
Gary Broke His Vow of Silence to Share...
Brand-New Content!
... And it's only available — now or ever — on these DVDs.
Gary understandably chose NOT to repeat the content he shared at his Bencivenga 100 retirement seminar. Condensing those two magical days into 60 minutes would never do it justice. And besides, there are a few copies of those DVDs still available, if you're serious about learning his methods.
Rather, Gary looked back on his life and career to identify those core principles that made him one of the greatest minds in marketing... Generating $100s of millions in sales for our company and his other clients. He called it, "How Your Life Is Going to Change in the Next 60 Minutes."
One of My Most Powerful Takeaways:
The Inner Game of The World's Best Copywriter...
Maybe contrary to what many would assume, Gary spent very little time focusing on the techniques of copywriting. Yes, he'd read Scientific Advertising every year, and has a substantial library of sales and marketing resources.
And yet, far more important to Gary was his thinking.
He knew if he didn't have his thinking right on a project, it wouldn't be successful. No matter how hard he tried to apply all the other tools of his trade.
Don't underestimate these techniques. Gary has spent his entire life investigating the human mind — and how you can tap into its powers to become more successful with less effort. His unparalleled success in direct response is a testament to this lifetime of study.
In his presentation, he dug even deeper into how to tap into the greatest powers of your mind, to achieve greater business and life success. Plus, he pulled back the curtain to reveal some of his inner workings on consistently writing control-beating copy, including his famous teachings on The Bencivenga Persuasion Equation®
Here's some of the other gems Gary revealed...
Gary is one of my own dearest friends and personal mentors. I don't make an important business decision without consulting Gary, or at the very least asking "What would Gary do?"
Before he agreed to come out, I already considered this a "once-in-a-lifetime" event. Certainly the best marketing-related event of the decade. And yet I knew... The best would be even better with Gary. With his 11th-hour choice to come out for Titans, there was nothing that could make this a more special occasion.
While you may have missed being there in person, you'll want to grab the DVDs to make sure you get every word of what Gary shared from stage.
Before I get to the next speaker...
Another BONUS GIFT You'll Get with the DVDs!
Greatest Hits of Direct Mail
Library of Direct Mail Control Packages...
While I'm on the topic of some of the top copywriters to have ever worked with the big direct mail companies, you may notice a few names that perhaps should be mentioned... Folks like Clayton Makepeace, Jim Rutz, Jim Punkre, Mel Martin, Gene Schwartz, and others...
All legends... Titans...
Among the best copywriters to have ever walked the planet. And all folks I've paid top dollar for to help grow our business... Knowing that an investment of $25,000, $50,000, even $100,000 in getting a single direct mail piece written could come back 10X or even 100X over, when it became a winner.
And for the first time ever — for The Titans of Direct Response event — we dug into the archives. We uncovered a treasure trove from our "Mount Rushmore of Copywriters" featured at the event and on the DVDs... PLUS Gary Bencivenga... PLUS the superstars listed above.
We pulled out just about every control package we can find that mailed profitably to AT LEAST 1 million names... Many in the 10s of millions... Together, a total of over 1 billion pieces of profitable direct mail.
Studying great copy is the single-most valuable thing you can do if you want to make millions in this business. This is the work of the masters.
One of the most consistent things the best copywriters I've ever worked with did to become master closers in print is to hand-copy great sales letters and promotions, to absorb their selling secrets on a subconscious level.
When you request your copies of the DVDs, you'll ALSO get two books of these controls, printed out for a lifetime of reference and true hands-on study...
That's 800 pages of the most powerful direct mail ever written.
Plus, you get added commentary on each promotion, with the inside story on how it worked and the biggest takeaway lessons you can get from it. Stick these on the bookshelf closest to your desk, and they'll be a reference for life.
This collection alone is enough to elevate your game to the highest level.
And it's yours at no additional cost, with the DVDs. (And — aside from being given to Titans attendees — has never been available anywhere else, at any price.)
After Gary's talk, you'll hear from...
The Founding Father and
Original Titan of Internet Marketing:
Ken McCarthy

I know this sounds like hyperbole. But Ken actually put on the very first internet marketing seminar, in Silicon Valley, in 1994 — just as the Netscape browser was launching and the "visual" internet was being born.
He then went on, in the 2000s, to create The System Seminar. Today, nearly every so-called "guru" of internet marketing was either a System grad, or learned their chops secondhand from one of Ken's students.
Ken's annual System training was the "Mecca" of internet marketing — and ALL the greats I know of in direct response were there at least one time, if not year after year.
Ken seldom speaks anymore. He has a small group of grads who he's still serving to this day, years after the last System training. To talk to him for an hour, you're going to write a $2,000 check.
But as you watch the DVDs from The Titans of Direct Response, you'll hear Ken break down exactly how to apply the proven model of The System today. (It works as well as it ever has.) This is critical insight when social media, mobile, and so many other new distractions are competing for your marketing resources.
My Biggest Takeaway from Ken:
The Worst Way to Achieve Lasting
Internet Marketing Success Is...
Ken has never been one to chase the latest and greatest, the newest, the "shiny objects." When he discovered what worked — that internet marketing profits was nothing more than qualified traffic and consistent conversions — he stuck with it.
That's why so many HUGE internet marketing successes today can point back to Ken as their original teacher of how to be successful online.
And yet, Ken has also watched internet marketers and business builders commit far more disappointing failures than successes in his 20+ years in internet marketing (a number almost nobody can match!). Too often, he's observed those failures stem from one thing. Fads. Or using today's catch phrase, "Fear of missing out."
You'll hear Ken's straight talk. How to evaluate opportunity — and how to ignore shiny objects. (Using a really simple approach — once you understand it, you'll never forget it.)
Any good investor knows that if you lose 50% on an investment, you have to make 100% on your next one to be back at breakeven. The same principle applies in business. Success can be as much about avoiding traps as anything else. And Ken reveals the best way to avoid the trappings of internet marketing "shiny objects"...
In his words...
And when you set aside that lust for the sexiest tactic or new (social) media opportunity today... And decide you really want to make money with internet marketing using what will generate maximum profits in minimum time (with a hat tip to Gary Halbert)... You can follow the rest of what Ken shared...
As you watch Ken, you'll get INSTANT CLARITY on the best way to use the internet and other new media to multiply your direct response business. Using repeatable systems that multiply your profits while shrinking your work load.
While Ken is known for being one of the Founding Fathers of modern internet marketing, he'd hardly consider himself an "Internet Marketer." That's part of what makes his approach so dang effective — and he bared all on the Titans stage.
The next speaker, one of Ken's most successful graduates from The System Seminar...
Perry Marshall Broke Down
THE Most Important Lesson
For Direct Marketers Tomorrow...
(Not Just Today)
Perry is one of my most valued "new" friends in marketing. I first met him at one of Ken's System Seminars years ago. And he's since went on to become...

Prior to this year's "Titans" event, my events were primarily closed-door, invitation-only workshops for "Friends and Family." One speaker, for one whole day... Laying out the most cutting-edge, transformative principles and strategies for multiplying your business.
Last year's event featured Perry... Where he broke down 80/20 and how to square it, cube it, and more to multiply your business many, many times over... Including a tool he uses to create instant cash infusions by uncovering "whales" in your current customer file.
Perry's teachings have completely transformed my thinking.
And while I expected him to deliver on this — and he did — what he gave was so much more.You're going to want to pay extra attention on the DVDs as Perry explains...
"The Commoditization of Direct Marketing"
Definitely THE Biggest Takeaway from Perry's Talk
Perry came out swinging. Even just 10 years ago, we direct marketers had a huge advantage. We tracked what works, and we knew it.
We measured more, tracked more, tested more, and learned from it. And so we could walk into a market and dominate it simply with better marketing.
All of that has changed.
Google AdWords was really the first big breakthrough of direct marketing into the mainstream. And being the world's most quoted expert on the platform, Perry has an interesting perspective.
Since AdWords went mainstream, direct marketing went mainstream. Our testing practices and principles became a core part of what even big, institutional advertisers are doing. Maybe not everywhere yet, but certainly online.
Simply writing copy, or knowing how to run a test, or targeting an audience has become an entry-level skill. If you want to achieve huge success (either as a consultant or in your own direct response business), you have to do more and be more.
Perry gave specific examples — which you'll get on the DVD — of the kind of value you need to be able to bring to the table if you want to be a success in direct marketing into the future.
The good news is that it actually raises your game to a whole new level — Perry's now working with folks with 9- and 10-figure net worth who are rabidly applying this new approach to direct marketing to today's and tomorrow's business environment.
As you watch Perry's talk, here's just some of what you can expect...
Following Perry's mind-expanding talk, be ready for even more...
Jay Abraham Will Turn Your Business on Its Head,
Creating a Brand New Sense of What's Possible...
And Show You the Most Rapid,
Efficient Path from Here to There...
I have Jay Abraham's picture on the back of my office door. And it's not because of some strange fascination I have with the guy.
In the 80s and 90s, practically everybody in the entire newsletter industry was prostrating ourselves at his feet. He "got it" like nobody else. You'd talk to him for a few minutes, and he'd uncover an opportunity to double your business that was, in retrospect, sitting in plain sight. "Once blind, but now I see," is the best way of describing the type of hidden opportunities Jay has always been able to uncover.
And he continues to do so with The Abraham Mind Shift Challenge.

IMPORTANT: Jay and I decided that he would not deliver a speech, as valuable as that would be. Rather, I'm conducted a RARE AND EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Jay, on stage, where I forced him to distill his years of experience and his wide range of 'systems' into the most immediately-actionable steps you can take to unearth breakthrough opportunities in your business. You've never seen or heard Jay work like this before! (Immediately afterwards he emailed me asking for a copy of his own interview to study.)
Jay had all sorts of immediately actionable profit-boosting ideas come out of this discussion. After Titans, I had one attendee, Casey Slaughter-Stanton, say... ."134% improvement on an optin, A/B split test, based on a lesson I learned from [Jay at] Titans. [He said,] ‘Tell them what you're giving them and WHY. Show them what you want them to do.' Simple copy re-write, new headline that was more focused on WHY and boom."
My Biggest "Jay" Takeaway:
The Problem-Solution Technique for
Multiplying Your Business Fast
When Jay revealed this lesson, I recognized that it was THE perfect example of the simple solutions to complex problems Jay is famous for...
Let's unravel that for a moment, using a very common example that was an absolute breakthrough in its day.
As mail order marketers started developing lists of customers, they realized they couldn't get new offers in the mail fast enough to fully satisfy customers' desire to buy more. Almost no matter how many offers they'd send at people, revenues would keep pouring in. But there's a problem here.
Unless you can create products and new offers as fast as your customers can buy, the amount of money you're getting is always less than what they're willing to spend.
So how do you serve this rabid customer base?
Well, somewhere there's another skilled marketer with a valuable offer and great copy, looking for more customers. By renting access to your list to this other marketer, you're able to generate more revenue from the same customer base (solving your problem) and they're able to get more customers for their offer (solving their problem).
Now it's obvious that this applies to list rentals and joint ventures, but this can apply at every level of your business. Product sourcing. Staffing. Fulfillment. Real estate. And so much more.
Here's some more of what Jay revealed in our interview...
By the time you're done watching Jay's interview on the DVDs, you'll see new possibilities in your business for doubling, tripling, even growing ten times or more. With tiny actions you can take right now, to leverage hidden opportunities sitting right there in plain sight.
And Then Watch Joe Sugarman Reveal
How to Enjoy Success after Success after Success...
(A Model YOU Can Copy!)
Joe is, among other things, a Titan of testing.

And one of Joe's biggest secrets to success has always been TESTING EVERYTHING — and in the early days of building his multiple, multi-million-dollar direct response businesses, Joe would have loved to have the opportunity that you get simply by watching the Titans DVDs...
To sit down and take in all these great minds... Absorb their very best strategies, ideas, and principles... And take them home and immediately put them to work in his own businesses...
That's why — like I did with Jay — I tapped Joe's brilliance through an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW and got him to reveal how he relentlessly tests anything that looks like a good idea (which the Titans DVDs are FULL of)... And uses that to create success after success — now spanning more than four decades. Along with his best recommendations for what YOU can do in YOUR business to create optimum impact as a result of watching these DVDs...
My Lesson from Joe:
Find the Selling Story
Joe is famous for his stories. In fact, you could frequently tell a JS&A ad with the logo blacked out — just because of the stories Joe told...
In every single ad — from the headline down — a story.
Perhaps the biggest lesson Joe shared from the stage at Titans was not just the power of these selling stories... But how YOU can uncover then tell these stories for nearly any product, using nearly any media, to create marketing success after marketing success.
Joe also pulled back the curtain and revealed...
(You know the old rule in direct response: list is 40%, offer is 40%, copy is 20%... Well, for Joe, EVERYTHING is 100%! You can't help but walk away from one his talks not only inspired, but ready to go immediately generate more sales!)
As if this were enough...
Dan Called in Rare Favors to Bring in
Two Titans You'll Almost Never See
at ANY Seminar, EVER.
When you're putting on an event like this one, it certainly doesn't hurt to have Dan Kennedy in your corner.
Because not only is he plugged in and connected to the best-of-the-best in the information marketing world... He's also personally admired by some HUGE Titans who almost never show their faces at seminars or events.
And yet, because of the event this was becoming, Dan was willing to reach out to some of his most valued connections in the direct response business, to convince them to come share their wisdom and insights at Titans.
And now YOU get them too, on the DVDs. Starting with...
Greg Renker of Guthy|Renker Fame...
$1.8 Billion per Year In
Direct Response Generated Revenue...

When Dan convinced Greg Renker to speak at Titans, I was flabbergasted. This is a guy who built a business that's doing more than $1.8 billion annual revenue via direct response. He's a DRTV Titan, but so much more than that.
He was in the inaugural class at the Direct Response Hall of Fame. He's received awards from Ad Age, Fortune, and Inc. Magazine, the Horatio Alger Association, and the Electronic Retailing Association. His countless media appearances include The Wall Street Journal, People, "Good Morning America," "CBS This Morning," "NBC Nightly News," "60 Minutes," and "20/20."
And all with good reason...
Guthy|Renker were instrumental in launching Tony Robbins to the heights he's achieved, starting with their early Personal Power infomercials. If Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich has been an important book to you, you can thank Greg — their first infomercial in 1987 put the book back on the map.
They went on into the beauty and cosmetics market, and shared Victoria Principal's beauty secret with the world. They were pioneers in the teeth whitening business, launching Perfect Smile with Vanna White.
And then — in a move that completely transformed the acne treatment market — they launched Proactiv. Which you can find advertised everywhere from your TV to your mailbox, all the way to direct sale vending machines in malls and shopping centers.
They've also gone on to launch products with dozens of celebrities, entertainers, and athletes... And continued to receive high praise from the direct response industry for their accomplishments.
I mentioned my saying, "Single channel marketing is so boring." I believe it so much, I even bought the domain name: SingleChannelMarketingIsSoBoring.com.
If you agree, you'll find what Guthy|Renker does to be absolutely titillating!
Greg shared how he and his business partner — with no small contribution from Dan, who worked with them from their earliest infomercial days — built the business far beyond DRTV...
Into a continuity business... A renewal business... A direct mail business... An online and e-commerce business... A database marketing business... A direct sale vending machine business...
When it comes to starting a direct response business... And growing it into NOT JUST a multi-million, BUT a multi-billion-dollar empire... We can all hold Greg's business up as a paragon — a model to be studied, followed, and emulated.
And in this extremely rare appearance, you're going to hear from the source himself what YOU need to do if you'd like to follow in his footsteps and achieve just some of your success.
One thing Greg mentioned as one of his personal success secrets is understanding amazing people when he sees them. And then trusting them to play a starring role in his operation. Along these lines, our conversation at Titans also featured Guthy|Renker Chief Marketing Officer Jay Sung. Jay's a superstar at connecting the dots in all media, which leads me to...
My Biggest Lesson from Guthy|Renker:
"Star Wars Math"
Throughout my career, I've prided myself on the amount of time I spent on understanding lists — and the complex relationships between and within them. In fact, one of my biggest direct marketing mentors, Dick Benson, famously said, "Nobody spends enough time on lists." To which I got him to add the amendment, "Except you, Brian."
And yet I was blown away by what the team at Guthy|Renker is doing to understand the complex relationship between markets and media.
For example, they're known as an infomercial business. But as I said, their business now extends into nearly every media, from search engines to shopping mall kiosks.
This is something we experienced at our company when we dipped our toes into the infomercial business. At the height of our infomercial success, I was spending over $80 million per year on media, generating well over $100 million per year in revenues. We sold over 3 million books via direct response television over three years, at a front-end profit. (Very difficult!)
We even used an infomercial to turn a failed direct mail campaign around!
But the revelations in Greg and Jay's talk run laps around even what we learned.
If you're looking to grow your business beyond your first few million today — using multiple media — this is something you need to be on top of.
And yet, they covered so much more...
Next up...
The Amazing True Story of
Building a $20 Billion Business in Just 18 Months
On The Back Of Direct Response Radio,
From Fred Catona...

What would you think if I told you that you could generate 2.2 million responses to your advertising in 14 days? Now what if I told you that you could do it with ONLY radio advertising? Our next Titan has been there, done that — and he revealed his secrets. Now YOU will get them for yourself, as you watch his presentation...
As you'll discover, radio is anything BUT a dead medium. In fact, you may or may not know that some of the biggest ONLINE promotions in the last few years used huge radio buys to drive traffic.
And while Fred Catona may not be a household name, many of his successes are.
Jay Walker, founder of Priceline.com, turned to Fred to launch their company in 1995... And over the next 18 months, they grew the company to over $20 billion valuation — with Fred's radio ads the rocket fuel for that growth.
Fred's agency — the first to focus solely on radio as a direct response medium — has also been instrumental in the success of Free Credit Report.com, Disneyonline, and others.
If you're serious about reaching markets your competitors haven't touched... And doing it with extreme profitability... You'll want to be paying rapt attention...
My Huge Takeaway from Fred:
How "Radio Advertising" is NOT Radio Advertising...
This is really interesting. Fred has become known as the preeminent expert on radio advertising. And yet, as you watch his talk from Titans, you'll discover that he's NOT really a radio advertiser.
It's a good first-touch lead generation tool. And yet the systems and procedures he builds into every radio campaign — from the ground up — are tremendous. Radio is just the first medium of interaction, for one.
The reason Fred is consistently so successful with radio advertising is — again — the specific systems he implements OFF the radio that support the 30- or 60-second spot he runs.
What number they call, what they request, how they're handled, what follow-up looks like, what media is used to contact leads and new customers, WHO is the voice behind the follow-up... All of this must be scripted. Fred laid it out in his talk.
As you listen, you'll also hear Fred reveal...
I've had huge success with space advertising and direct mail. Online and via DRTV. But I've never cracked the radio nut... Yet!
If you're serious about using ALL effective media to generate huge traffic and sales volume... You will NOT want to miss Fred's presentation!
Then after Fred...
I'll Let You Into MY Personal Mastermind...
I've mentioned before that I spend over $50,000 per year on my marketing education, including coaching and mastermind groups I'm a part of...
I'm also well-known as being a member of Joe Polish's $25k group — a group distinguishing itself by each of its members (serious marketers and business builders) being able to readily afford the $25,000 cost of entry...
But I'm also a member of what I call my "$25 Group." And no, that's no typo. It literally cost $25 per person to be in the group. But there are only four spots, and none of them are open.
And I consider the three others in this group with me to be some of my most valued business connections.

Michael Fishman

Jim Kwik

Ryan Lee
Together we show you how to translate all your new breakthroughs from Titans into rapid growth in your business...
You'll get the most powerful way to install what you've learned in your business (including an unexpected insight to getting2X to 10X higher returns from these DVDs)...
Discover the secret to surpassing all your biggest goals and aspirations — faster — using the principle of the Mastermind...
And be able to recognize — as you look around at your peers — what makes for good mastermind partners, and who you know who might be the perfect fit (to help you get everything you want in business and life, and add zeroes to your bank account).
And importantly — Michael, Jim, Ryan, and I shared how we're applying the principles in our businesses and our lives... Even teaching them...
And what an enormous impact it can have on YOU if you do the same...
Here's just some of what you'll get from our special on-stage mastermind panel...
And Finally — A Rapid-Fire Q&A
Where The Titans Revealed Final Insights
Into Direct Response and Business Success...
Frankly, the Titans we were fortunate enough to bring together for this event — for the first time ever! — were as excited about it as anyone else there...
Most of them — even with their incredibly busy schedules — stuck around for the full two days, to learn from the strategies, principles, and lessons the other Titans shared. (If even Dan Kennedy stuck around for both days, you've got to think there's something YOU could learn here!)
And so we wanted to take the final opportunity — with so much knowledge and wisdom in one room — to go "off script" and get the Titans to answer attendees' questions, and grill them on their biggest takeaways.
Here's some of the questions they answered...
This was an unprecedented opportunity to get the combined wisdom of all these Titans to open up and riff off each other. And it was a fitting end to two-days of incredibly transformative, profit-generating direct response marketing content...
Now — Here's How To Get
Your Copy of the Titans DVDs...
(PLUS A Huge Package of Bonuses!)
I've spent considerable time and space here revealing everything discussed from the stage at The Titans of Direct Response. In part, because I do have an interest in — and a lifelong commitment to — sharing the world's most effective direct marketing principles, strategies, and techniques with the world.
But also, because in sharing even so much, I hope to show you how much you missed out on by not being there.
However, if you weren't there, you have one more opportunity to experience it all...
We've done an initial run of 450 copies of the DVDs. They feature every talk I've discussed here. The full two days of The Titans of Direct Response event.
About half of those DVDs are already gone — And the rest are going fast!
While the remaining copies from the initial run are still available, I'd like to make a special offer...

Please Let Me Know Where To Ship Your DVDs...
I'd like to send these DVDs to you right away.
I'm not going to play games with you with artificial value builds and price drops. If you're a serious, sophisticated direct marketer, you know this is priceless content — worth every penny I'd ask for it..
I personally stand behind the quality of EVERYTHING having to do with The Titans of Direct Response. Your satisfaction istotally guaranteed. If for any reason you decide within the next 60 days that the $2,000 isn't an incredible investment for such valuable resources, again, let me know.
Contact me directly at Brian@BrianKurtz.me. Or by phone at 203-557-8933.
I'll let you know how to return the materials, and you will receive a prompt and courteous full refund of your deposit.
Remember, Your Review Copy of the DVDs
Also Comes With These Bonuses...
At no extra cost to you, you will also receive...
But let me make this even more attractive for you...
More "Attendee-Only" Bonuses
I've Arranged for YOU...
Attendees of The Titans of Direct Response got so much bonus material, I actually got in a little bit of trouble with the bean counters helping me stay on budget. (That's the ONE problem with over-delivering!)
Many of these bonuses were originally meant as "attendee-only" gifts, and many will stay that way. However, I've arranged to include a few more with your copy of the DVDs, at no additional cost to you...
Each and every item, worth the cost of the DVDs. One attendee commented at Titans that he'd never before been to an event where, in digging into his giveaway bag, every item he pulled out could easily pay back the cost of the event. That's what to expect from each of these giveaways.
But don't take my word for it...
Titans and Attendees Alike
Sung The Praises of This Event...
After the event was over, Dan Kennedy, in typical Dan style, sent me this card via FedEx...

In case you can't read Dan's chicken-scratch, that's "Brian, you pulled off THE event of [the] year — decade — Thanks for involving me. Dan"
This comes from an A-list marketer and seminar promoter in his own right. A man who could argue claim to that title himself, between his two big events per year, plus a number of smaller private workshops.
And the high praise kept rolling in...
Greg Renker, of Guthy-Renker, sent this...
Dear Brian,
Boy, did you pull it off!
I was so impressed with the quality of your entire conference, and each and every aspect of it was so professional...
I can't wait to get the tapes, audio or video, of the presenters...
Thank you again for inviting me; I had a lot of fun!
Even Greg Renker, with his $1.8 BILLION per year direct response company, thinks it's worth taking the time to watch these DVDs. Surely you, too, could get some valuable insight from them?
And I assure you I'm not just sharing the next couple because of their praise for ME — I want you to look past that (as much as it makes me feel good) and recognize that their praise really only came about because of the event I was fortunate enough to put together.
The man I and many others believe to be the world's greatest living copywriter, Gary Bencivenga, wrote...
Congratulations, Brian!
You did it — with grace, style, warmth, and wit...
It was truly a great event, and I'm honored to have played a part...
You can be very proud of yourself, Brian. You whacked it out of the park.
All good wishes...
Marketing genius Jay Abraham wrote in admiration of the lineup of speakers I was able to pull together...
I am exceedingly proud of what you engineered. You should be exceptionally proud of yourself. YOU have established a world of respect, trust, admiration and rock-solid friendship (besides professional respect) from some truly exceptional human beings.
Parris Lampropoulos, one of today's "Mount Rushmore" of top copywriters wrote...
Thank you for having me be a part of this amazing event.
Alexi was asking me how the hell you pulled it off — not only getting a lineup like this, but also the fact that most of the speakers stayed for the entire event.
My answer was, "because it's Brian."
You are not only a Titan of Direct Response but also a Titan of a human being.
Copywriter Richard Armstrong, who didn't speak but who I've worked with for a long time, sent this...
Congratulations on a magnificent event, Brian. Along with the Bencivenga 100, I'd have to say those were the two best conferences I've ever attended. It won't be possible to put on anything better until the world grows another generation or two of direct-mail geniuses!
Richard Armstrong
Direct response radio Titan Fred Catona wrote...
Seriously... You over-delivered to your attendees — I heard from people it was the best seminar they ever attended.
Everything just right...
And here are some additional notable testimonials from the attendees...
Namita Ramani
Founder and CEO, Salony Creations
A leader in marketing communications and media in the Middle East
Eric Douay
Payment Solutions Expert
Marc Aarons
Digital Marketing Strategist
Suzanne Eastman
Vice President Brand Leadership
Beachbody LLC
Here's my deepest thanks for two value-packed days that built me and everyone else up in ways we didn't even expect. One of my favorite landmark teachings is to leave everyone you meet bigger than they were before they knew you. You did that and empowered everyone in attendance to do the same.
My copywriting career grew by undeniable leaps and bounds...
With gratitude,
Julie Hassett
You put on one hell of an event! (For once, an event that lived up to the hype!) Your generosity and the mood you created lifted that room and every attendee and speaker to a special place that I was thrilled to be a part of...
Little did I know how much more I would get out of it than I ever expected... It was eye-opening and inspiring and transformationalfor me. And I thank you for making that moment possible.
All my best,
Cindy Butehorn
Hey Brian,
I'm sure this is email #10,000 or so thanking you for putting on such an amazing event... But I want to add my voice to the multitudes, too.
Honestly, that was by far the best large event I've ever attended. Frankly, the swipe files alone were worth the price of admission. Not to mention the lineup...
In fact, I think this event alone will add $100,000 to my bottom line over the next 12 months. And that's just for starters...
Not to mention what my new-found knowledge will do for my clients.
So again, THANK YOU for putting together such an amazing event.
Warm regards,
Paul Martinez
Hey Brian!
I just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful event. Marty and I thought it was one of the best events we've ever been to, on many levels!
Your pal,
Joe Barton
Hi Brian,
Thank you for the Titans Conference. Beyond the loads (and loads) of valuable "swag" I brought home, every minute was packed with incredible information. You put together an amazing group of speakers I never thought I'd see at all, let alone together. I took away a wealth of knowledge from each and every expert — from a whole new reading list to renewed motivation and actionable strategies and advice. I feel reinvigorated, inspired, and grateful — what a shot in the arm!
Thank you!
Jennifer Petronis
Hey Brian,
What a fantastic conference — I don't go to many conferences any more, but this one was worth it 100%.
Marc Stockman
Hey Brian,
Just want to take a quick sec to drop you a sincere and heartfelt thank you note.Don't know what I could possibly say to you, to convey what a great job you (and your team) did at Titans.But my hat's off to you, my friend!
My wife... Soon to be born Baby J... And I... Sent you and your team a gift to express our appreciation...
Anyway, thanks again!
Titans... Titans... Titans!
Wes Murph
It was incredible from end to end. And I mean, un-fricking-believable, write-about-it-at-2-in-the-morning, once-in-a-lifetime good.
Everything was there: the content, the speakers... A suitcase-full of bonus materials and so on...
Congratulations, and thank you for the opportunity to be there.
Sebastien, The French Marketer
P.S. — You might not have overheard this comment, Brian, but Ken McCarthy called it "the seminar of the millennium", and I think he's done quite a few of those. :-)
Coming out to the event was the BEST decision I have made in a long time.
This event was life-altering for me, and I say that without a single ounce of hyperbole. The insights, distinctions, ideas, and action-items I gained in every single session far outstripped any other entire event I have attended. In fact, you may have now ruined all other events for me...
Ray Edwards
So I just got back from Titans of Direct Response the other day. And let me tell you... Man, this thing was EPIC.
My good friend Brian Kurtz put on an event that people are going to be talking about for the next 20 years.
Ryan Levesque
I've been coming to marketing events for 15 years and this was the best event I've ever attended.No event was run better, had higher quality speakers, or provided more in-depth, actionable information. You did a marvelous job. I can't say enough about it.
John Rinaldi
This conference rocked. I hope you have no doubt of that. It was "extraordinary and exceptional" on steroids and truly will never be repeated.
My deepest thanks and love,
Karen Anderson
I am so proud of you! This conference was phenomenal!
Value cannot be placed on the Titans talks... Priceless!
And it is exactly what I needed in terms of motivation. I was asking for inspiration on how to move in a new direction, and this conference has filled me with ideas and inspiration. Now... I just have to focus on the red shirt.
Here's to all the best happiness and success for your exciting new future!
Vicki. S. Moffitt
And the praise went on and on. I don't want to bore you with it here. But within days, I literally had a printed "book" of testimonial letters I've received for the event. And the positive feedback keeps coming in — from speakers and attendees alike.
If you want to know what specifically you need to do in your business and your marketing to move ahead — not backwards... To win more tests, and win bigger... To boost profits... To enjoy more success and even more freedom... You should be confident...
Smart Investments
In Your Marketing Education
Pay Off BIG!
Every year, I personally spend over $70,000 on my direct marketing (and business) education. This includes coaching, masterminds, books, DVDs, CDs, newsletters, and more.
The key: Making sure my "life tuition" pays me back many times over — and I can assure you it does every year.
And the first step is to take at least one takeaway from every event or product and test or implement— one that will return my investment many times over.
I know that on every one of the 12 discs that make up the Titans of Direct Response DVDs, there is at least one takeaway PER SPEAKER that will give you a 10X payback on the whole thing... Although that would be the absolute minimum.
That is, I'm confident that the return on investment on the 12 DVDs will only be a piece of that payback... Wait till you dig into the other giveaways (1,000+ pages of swipe files, interviews and transcripts with Titans of direct response past and present, and more)...
I Don't Think I Am Exaggerating That
You Will Probably Get 100X Your Investment
In This Package Over Time...
The "tuition payment" for the DVDs is a fraction of what those masterminds and workshops cost me—that's for sure!
If you make it a point to learn and use what you see and hear, this package of materials is pure gold.
If you're the type of person who buys expensive marketing courses and just dreams about what could happen if you're ever successful, you'll find the DVDs to be expensive entertainment. Good entertainment, yes. But the same $2,000 could buy you more than 15 years of Netflix entertainment, if that's all you're after.
However, if you're a doer, you're going to find a $20,000+ idea here... Another $20,000+ idea there... And another $20,000+ idea over there...
And then the only variable to how much these DVDs and bonuses will be worth to you is how much you implement (i.e. how you flex your doer muscles).
Further, because these are NOT flavor-of-the-day tactics but timeless direct marketing principles and strategies... "Do this, not that," lessons that will continue to bear fruit for decades... These ideas will continue to pay back year, after year, after year, for the rest of your life.
Now it's your turn to experience it and let me know what YOU think...
Try it ALL for Yourself,
For The Next 60 Days...
It's up to you. Take the next 60 days to review every minute of the DVDs, printed materials, and audio bonuses...
And decide for yourself that this is going to be worth not just the $2,000 initial investment, but 10X or 100X that (at least!) to your career and business.
If you don't think so, or don't find yourself fully satisfied (for any reason), you get a prompt and courteous full refund.
Simple as that.
There are very few events that qualify as "once in a lifetime" events. Fewer still that get that level of praise from the A-list speakers and attendees who were there, and who said so much in their testimonials above.
Short of actually having attended, at the very least you want to be able to say, "I know! I own the DVDs!"
This is your chance.
I encourage you to act now, and start putting these Titan-level direct response knowledge, wisdom, principles, strategies to work in your business.

Brian Kurtz
P.S. — For those of you who scroll through the entire letter to get to the P.S., what are you thinking? In this letter, I revealed many of my top takeaways from Dan Kennedy, Gary Bencivenga, Greg Renker, and all the other Titans on stage. Even if you don't take me up on my 60-day no-risk, no-obligation offer to review these DVDs for yourself, go back and read the entire letter. It's a direct marketing education in itself!
P.P.S. — I'm not interested in being in "The DVD Business." I've printed 450 copies of the Titans DVDs, and they're about half gone as this letter goes to press. I have a number of A-list marketers who are going to be sharing this offer with their followers, and those copies may go very fast. If you're serious about standing on the Titans' shoulders, and getting all their "Do this, not that" wisdom that will lead to higher response, higher profits, and more business success... Don't wait.
We don't believe in "get rich quick" programs - only in sharing practical marketing knowledge, adding value, inspiring confidence and teaching timeless marketing principles. Our programs are intended to help you expand your knowledge and support your business growth and objectives.
Information contained in this website is intended to be General Advice Only. It is not designed for, nor should it be understood as being for, the purpose of providing business advice. Furthermore, any financial claims on this site are specific to the individual(s) and should not be considered typical.